Sunday, October 13, 2013

How the Document Camera Changed the Way We Teach Math

Every additional piece of technology can be an asset in a math class.  As teachers we just need to figure out how to incorporate these pieces of technology into our lessons.  I think the document camera is one of those pieces of technology that really helped advance the way that we teach mathematics.  Learning is becoming more of an active process every year.  Teachers are supposed to be engaging and involving students in their learning.  This piece of technology allows students to be more involved in the way they learn.  The document camera is an easy way to show students work on the screen or board. 
            It is so important to show and analyze student work because the chances are if one student made a mistake on a problem he/she is not the only one who did.  We can use the document camera in math class to show how our students are thinking.  This will help our students learn by exposing them to different ways of doing certain problems and showing them different mistakes that people make.  Making students analyze and critique work will allow them to be an active learner.  A document camera is one tool that can provide our students a way to be an active learner. 
            The document camera can become a destructive tool to our learning when a teacher starts to use it as a personal chalk board.  The document camera will not be helpful in this situation because it takes time to set up, use, and it would eliminate seeing the student work.  Being able to engage students in their learning is the most important aspect of using this piece of equipment or any learning aide for that matter.  My main focus when incorporating pieces of technology into my lesson is going to be how this technology is going to help my students learn more effectively.          

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