Friday, December 6, 2013


            As this semester has progressed I have learned and explored a lot about technology and how it should be integrated into the classroom.  In this post I will talk about Glogster and how it can benefit a mathematics classroom.  Glogster is a website that allows the user to produce graphic blogs.  Some of the details that can be added and/or changed by the user are text, images, sounds, videos, and special effects.  This website is somewhat similar to the website we used for our canvas.  It is great for introducing topics to students, having them explore mathematical topics in depth, or it is a great way of assessing a student’s knowledge on a unit.  This bit of technology can literally be used during any part of a unit. 

            I would create a Glog to introduce a unit that students normally find “boring” or “challenging” because it will help engage many students that would normally be turned off to math.  There are so many great engaging music videos about math that teachers have made and images that say a thousand words.  I could just imagine all of the possible ways that I could design this Glog.  Another possible way to use this website would be to use it as a formative assessment.  I would give students a chance to show what they have learned by creating a Glog about the information they have learned.  It will be a good way to do this because the only way that they can show that they have mastered the skills and concepts would be to create a descriptive Glog about the content.  Students who have not mastered the material can only create this Glog by going back and reviewing the information.  This is a great situation for the teacher because it will help assess where they are and can help them relearn information by reviewing what they have already done.  This technology can really benefit a subject such as mathematics because it changes up the class and the way work is normally done.  Students today absolutely love technology because they have grown up with it.  Using this type of technology would be easy for them to access and use.  


  1. I have never personally used Globster, but it seems like a great website to not only use in math, but in all context areas. I like how you said that this technology will help change up the way that work is normally done. This is exactly what we should aim to do as future educators in order to engage students by connecting to their interests. Looking back, I never had any math teacher that attempted to "change things up." All the work we did was always straight out of the textbook or from handouts.
    Overall, great post!

  2. Honestly, I have never heard of Globster before. I really like the idea that using it as a form of formative assessment. I feel like that students would definitely be more willing to create a Glog than solving "boring" questions. This can definitely add a different aspect to the teaching of Math. Traditionally speaking, a math lesson often has a set structure. For example, teachers always go over homework first, and then lecture. It could be really boring if that is all students are experiencing in the classroom. This can really make the learning of Math fun and interactive.
